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Maskir Ken Austria
7/25/2010 03:55:36 am

Shalom ve chasak ve emaz to all the chaverim out there!! Hope we see you all in Bulgaria this August ! Have a nice summer !

Maskirut Europeit Bulgaria 2010
8/5/2010 07:02:49 pm

We found u!
We are just taking a break from our discussions to contribute something to your website.
We are currently discussing common political activity in the WM and thought whereas you are the only hosts of an international website, we kindly ask you to consider putting in a column about political activity and changes in the different Shomer countries.
Thank you and goodbye

Chisku ve imtzu

Benny Pojer
8/7/2010 07:43:18 am

So i'm sitting in Nahariya, in our communa, on shnat, and i jsut found this website. we read the descriptions of all the hanhaga members - hilarious! and now i know what herman looks like (or haman, as we like to call him).

nice website - i hope it keeps growing.

x Benny, Kvutzat Ga'ash, Shnat Hachashara Australia


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    May 2010



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